Diethylene glycol princeps puritas et humilis pretium
PRAECIPUUS | Test modus | Unitas | Flora terminum | TRIEN |
Species | Range æstimation | _ | Hyalina transparent liquidum sine mechanica impurities | Transeo |
Chroma | GB / T 3143-1982 (MMIV) | PT-co | ≤15 | 5 |
Density (XX ℃) | GB / T 29617-2003 | kg / m3 | 1115,5 ~ MCXVII. 6 | 1116,4 |
Contentus aqua | GB / T 6283-2008 | % (M / M) | ≤0.1 | 0.007 |
Ferventis | GB / T 7534-2004 | ℃ |
Point | ≥242 | 245,2 | ||
Final ferveret illud | ≤250 | 246,8 | ||
Range scope |
| 1.6 | ||
Pudicitia | Sh / T 1054-1991 (MMIX) | % (M / M) |
| 99.93 |
Ethylene glycol contentus | Sh / T 1054-1991 (MMIX) | % (M / M) | ≤0.15 | 0.020 |
Tithylene glycol contentus | Sh / T 1054-1991 (MMIX) | % (M / M) | ≤0.4 | 0.007 |
Ferrum contentus (ut fe2 +) | GB / T 3049-2006 | % (M / M) | ≤0.0001 | ≤0.00001 |
Acetosum (ut acetic acidum) | GB / T14571.1- MMXVI | % (M / M) | ≤0.01 | 0.006 |
220kg / tympanum, 80drums / 20GP, 17.6mt / 20GP, 25.52MT / 40GP
A hyalina, odorless, transparent, hygroscopic viscosa liquidum. Is est a CONDITUS suavitatem. Et solubility similis est quod ethylene glycol, sed ejus solubility ad hydrocarbonum est fortior. Diethylene glycol can be miscible with water, ethanol, ethylene glycol, acetone, chloroform, furfural, etc. It is immiscible with ether, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, straight chain aliphatic hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, etc. Rosin, shellac, cellulose acetate, and most Osils sunt insolubilis in diethylene glycol, sed potest dissolvere Cellulose nitrate, alkyd resins, polyester resinam, polyurethane, et maxime dyes. Flammabiles, humilis toxicity. Habens generali eget proprietatibus Vocatus et aether.
Modus repono
I. Store in a frigus et sicco est. Ensure bonum evacuatione in officina.
II. Custodite ab igne et aquae fontes. Reponunt ex oxidants
I. Maxime usus est Gas Dehydrating agente et Aromatics extractionem solvendo. Est etiam usus est ut solvendo pro Cellulose nitrate, resinae, uncto, printing atramento, textile sofper, consummatione agens, et extractionem de coalla et indena ex calculo. Praeterea, diethylene glycol est etiam usus est fregit oleum complexu, celluloid softener, antifreeze et diluent in EMULSIO polymerization. Et propter rubber et resinae plasticizer; Polyester resinae; Fiberglass; Carbamate spumam; Productio de lubricating oleum Viscosity Protero et alia products. Used pro Saccharum unsaturated polyester resinae, etc.
II. Usus est in Saccharum unsaturated polyester resinae, plasticizer, etc. et propter antifreeze, Gas Dehydrating agente, plasticizer, solvendo, aromaticos, textile est, cigarette agente, crustulum et omnia in Forthing, Solvens, etc. solvendo pro uncto, resinae et nitrocellulose.